How Much Does Microcement Cost?
/Microcement Price
Are you looking to use a microcement finish in your residential or commercial project and want to get an idea on pricing?
Unlike other finishes where there is a set price per square meter, when it comes installing a microcement finish there are a number of factors that determines the cost of a microcement installation. We always need to price off drawings as price varies from project to project. Based on a job that is a minimum of 100 square meters over concrete, the supply & installation cost of high-quality microcement finishes starts from $200 + GST per m2 for floor installations, $250 + GST per m2 for wall installations and $500 + GST per m2 for joinery installations.
There are different factors that influence microcement price. These include:
1. Type of project (Residential or Commercial)
2. Area of application
2. Total size of area
3. Existing Substrate & Surface Preparation
4. Intricacy
We will go through each of the factors below, based on our Microcement finish X-Bond.
microcement floor INSTALLATION
1. Area of application:
Where are you wanting the Microcement finish installed?
The price for installation will vary depending on the area we are installing X-Bond to. X-Bond can be applied to floors, walls and joinery both internally and externally.
2. Total size of area:
What is the size of the area where Microcement is required?
Microcement coatings are hand-trowelled onsite. Whether we’re installing 5m2, 20m2, 50m2 or 100m2 microcement products like X-Bond generally take 4 days to install. This means that the smaller the area, the more per square meter you can expect to pay, and the larger the area, the lower the square meter rate.
3. Surface Preparation:
What is the existing substrate that the Microcement will be applied on top of?
The substrate the microcement topping will be applied on-top will impact the price of installation as there are different preparation requirements for different surfaces.
For example: Usually when applying over concrete we just need to lightly grind the substrate, and then the X-Bond is applied directly over the concrete – nice and easy!
However, when installing our product in a wet area, bathroom or over sheeting, an additional base coat called Liquid Anti-Fracture Membrane or Brown Coat is required to minimise the risk of cracking from movement. Same goes with installation over tiles, as we need to make sure the tiled surface is nice and even and ready for the X-Bond Microcement, additional preparation works is required.
4. Intricacy:
Is the area where Microcement is being installed intricate?
When installing a microcement finish in small areas like showers, around niches or on joinery pieces, the workmanship required is very detailed and intricate. This takes our installers more time to install, which increases the cost. Also intricate areas are usually smaller in size, which means the square meter rate is usually higher.
In order for us to provide you with a price for installation please send an email to and include the following information:
Project Location
Areas of application
Copy of drawings / plans showing the areas where X-Bond is required. If you don’t have drawings or plans you can send a photo of the area along with measurements / square meters.
Let us know what substrate we would be applying the X-Bond over