What substrates can X-Bond be applied to?
/The versatility of X-Bond Seamless Stone is what appeals most to our customers. Many clients start by wanting to have X-Bond applied to one area of their project (e.g. floor to create a polished concrete look) and they soon realise the same finish can also be used on their walls and joinery pieces too. Soon enough X-Bond is used on various touch points throughout the space, and in different colours.
X-Bond is hand applied at a minimal thickness over a range of existing substrates to achieve the look of polished concrete. X-Bond is an alternative concrete coating that consists of X-Bond stone and a liquid polymer. The typical X-Bond application is 3-4mm thick and the end result is the look of pre-cast and polished concrete with hand trowel marks and colour/tonal variation. Below is an overview of the different substrates X-Bond can be applied over. Please note; we will always conduct a site inspection prior to installation to ensure the substrate is in a suitable condition.
Achieve the look of Polished Concrete
Light grind or sand to make level, and free of debris. Where there is an existing expansion joint, a saw-cut will be placed to allow for movement through the X-Bond, minimizing the risk of hairline cracks.
Our surfaces allow you to remodel without removal. If you have tiles in your project that are in good condition, we can install X-Bond directly on-top. This eliminates the hassle and expense of having to remove the tiles. Any damaged, loose or drummy tiles need to be removed and patched up. With tile application there are additional base coats that we apply to make the surface even, eliminating the grout lines.
Compressed Sheeting
The beauty of X-Bond is that it can also be applied over compressed sheeting if your home is a timber construction. The compressed sheeting can only be used internally, and the thickness of the sheeting depends on the area of application. Usually a minimum of 12 - 18mm saw-cuts will be applied to all sheet joints to allow for movement from the timber sub-structure, this means the finished result will look like large concrete pavers as we follow the sheeting size.
Perfect for exterior and interior wall finishes
Plaster, WR Board, Villa Board & Blue Board
For interior wall finishes, X-Bond can be applied to Plaster, WR Board, Villa Board & Blue Board. When applying X-Bond over these substrates the wall must be prepared as if ready for painting. This means all joints needs to be taped and stopped up. Plaster is the most popular and the preferred substrate for internal walls. For shower walls we recommend Villa Board.
Applying X-Bond to a concrete wall is no different to installing over a concrete floor. A light grind or sand is required prior to installation and saw-cuts will be placed where there is an existing expansion joint in the concrete wall.
Wanting to achieve an X-Bond rendered wall on a facade? We can apply X-Bond over foam using mesh and a special base coat prior to installation.
If you want to achieve a curved wall or joinery piece then Ply is a fantastic substrate to use. When we're applying over Ply, saw-cuts need to be placed at sheet joints to allow for movement.
A concrete coating for your joinery
A concrete coating for your joinery
Our surfaces are becoming more and more popular for internal joinery pieces. We don't recommend using X-Bond to kitchen working benches and vanity benches. Before applying X-Bond to a joinery piece we apply metal external angles at the edges. The metal angles make the edges more durable.
Marine Ply
Marine Ply is the substrate used for external joinery that's undercover. Before applying X-Bond to a joinery piece we apply metal external angles at the edges.
Compressed Sheeting
Used for external joinery that is exposed to the elements, a minimum of 12mm compressed sheeting is used. Before applying X-Bond to a joinery piece we apply metal external angles at the edges.
Substrate suitability for Wet Areas
When it comes to applying our surfaces in wet areas (e.g. bathrooms, laundry, balcony) we will only install X-Bond over a concrete substrate for floors and villa board for walls. We have a penetrating sealer called 'Natural Shield' which is used in showers. The ability to carry the X-Bond from the bathroom floors or walls into the shower creates a great feature. It's important to note that when applying X-Bond or Quartz Carpet to wet areas tanking (Waterproof membrane) is required. This process is to be done by builders or professional waterproofing contractor.
If you have any questions about substrate suitability on your project, get in touch with one of our reps via our contact us page.