Project Highlights from Instagram

We love seeing the little red notification on the top corner of our screens notifying us of a new project we've been featured in! Here is a round-up of a few of our (and our follower's) favourites.

X-Bond installed throughout the bathroom at the incredible @twofourinverloch & @baybuilthomes

X-Bond installed to the floors at Szep HQ designed by @studio_beck

X-Bond in the bathrooms at Union St by @domebuilding & @ntfarchitecture

X-Bond floors at Rossmoyne Residence by @c.kairouz.architects

An innovative pool design by @websterarchitecture that features X-Bond on its curved exterior

X-Bond feature walls in the stunning Wren House bathroom by @wolveridge

X-Bond featured throughout Society by @russellandgeorge

X-Bond for a seamless finish at @recipesfordesign's project