A Message From Alt : It's Business as 'Unusual'

With all of the uncertainty in the economy and world we’re doing everything in our power to ensure that we are still able to provide our customers Australia-wide with the best customer service possible given the current world-wide circumstances.

Our team are still working and are here to answer any questions you may have for your upcoming project, to provide you with samples or product information, to quote your job for you and also for installation.

For Alternative Surfaces, It’s business as UnUsual. Together we will navigate our way through these tough times, for the health and safety of our staff and customers we have had to temporarily close our Showroom to visitors. But rest assured, we’re only a phone call or email away:

VIC Enquiries: (03) 9427 1100
NSW Enquiries: (02) 9096 2680
QLD Enquiries: (07) 3724 0317
WA Enquiries: (08) 6478 4828
SA Enquiries: (08) 8470 0175

Or you can email us at sales@altsurfaces.com.au

If you would like a virtual tour of our showroom, you can watch our walk-through via our Alt. Surfaces instagram by clicking here.

We’re here for you, and can’t wait to see your project come to life.

In the meantime remember to wash your hands, practice social distancing, be kind, stay healthy & enjoy being home.

- The Alt. Group